Adagio For Hair offers different levels of service pricing based on our Service Providers level of education, demand of time and skill set experience. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that our guests completely understand our service price menu and the level of the Service Provider they will be seeing in order to provide the very best guest experience.
Careful consultations, prior to reserving the service, are required by all who reserve services for our guests. In order to properfully match the guest with both the correct Service Provider for their service and the service requested , the guests hair and skin type, condition and salon services prices must be explored prior to reserving the service. In doing so, the salon company will retain a loyal and happy client base and thriving career experience for our salon employees. Please remember:
Adagio For Hair does not have a certain number of years you must work before promotions to higher levels.
We do not base our prices on how many YEARS A SERVICE PROVIDER HAS BEEN IN THEIR CAREER.
Definition of Service Providers Qualifications Of Levels
The complete understanding of how to properly reserve guests with the correct stylist and budget for their service begins by having thorough knowledge of the definitions of our Service Providers credentials which qualifies them for their respective level. The level qualifications are based on the Service Providers: